/* * Copyright © 2016-2018 Inria. All rights reserved. * * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * See COPYING in top-level directory. * * $HEADER$ */ #define _GNU_SOURCE /* See feature_test_macros(7) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include static UT_icd topos_icd = {sizeof(hwloc_topology_t), NULL, NULL, NULL}; int netloc_topology_read_hwloc(netloc_topology_t *topology, int num_nodes, netloc_node_t **node_list) { int ret = 0; int all = 0; char *hwloc_path; if (!topology->hwlocpath) { printf("No hwloc directory recorded in the topology\n"); return NETLOC_ERROR; } if (topology->hwlocpath[0] != '/') { char *path_tmp = strdup(topology->topopath); asprintf(&hwloc_path, "%s/%s", dirname(path_tmp), topology->hwlocpath); free(path_tmp); } else { hwloc_path = strdup(topology->hwlocpath); } DIR* dir = opendir(hwloc_path); /* Directory does not exist */ if (!dir) { printf("Directory (%s) to hwloc does not exist\n", hwloc_path); free(hwloc_path); return NETLOC_ERROR; } else { closedir(dir); } UT_array *hwloc_topo_names = topology->topos; UT_array *hwloc_topos; utarray_new(hwloc_topos, &topos_icd); int num_diffs = 0; if (!num_nodes) { netloc_node_t *node, *node_tmp; num_nodes = HASH_COUNT(topology->nodes); node_list = (netloc_node_t **)malloc(sizeof(netloc_node_t *[num_nodes])); int n = 0; netloc_topology_iter_nodes(topology, node, node_tmp) { node_list[n++] = node; } all = 1; } for (int n = 0; n < num_nodes; n++) { netloc_node_t *node = node_list[n]; char *hwloc_file; char *refname; if (netloc_node_is_switch(node)) continue; /* We try to find a diff file */ asprintf(&hwloc_file, "%s/%s.diff.xml", hwloc_path, node->hostname); hwloc_topology_diff_t diff; int err; if ((err = hwloc_topology_diff_load_xml(hwloc_file, &diff, &refname)) >= 0) { refname[strlen(refname)-4] = '\0'; hwloc_topology_diff_destroy(diff); num_diffs++; } else { free(hwloc_file); /* We try to find a regular file */ asprintf(&hwloc_file, "%s/%s.xml", hwloc_path, node->hostname); FILE *fxml; if (!(fxml = fopen(hwloc_file, "r"))) { printf("Missing hwloc file: %s\n", hwloc_file); } else fclose(fxml); asprintf(&refname, "%s", node->hostname); } /* Add the hwloc topology */ unsigned int t = 0; while (t < utarray_len(hwloc_topo_names) && strcmp(*(char **)utarray_eltptr(hwloc_topo_names, t), refname)) { t++; } /* Topology not found */ if (t == utarray_len(hwloc_topo_names)) { utarray_push_back(hwloc_topo_names, &refname); /* Read the hwloc topology */ hwloc_topology_t topology; hwloc_topology_init(&topology); hwloc_topology_set_flags(topology, HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_INCLUDE_DISALLOWED); char *hwloc_ref_path; asprintf(&hwloc_ref_path, "%s/%s.xml", hwloc_path, refname); ret = hwloc_topology_set_xml(topology, hwloc_ref_path); free(hwloc_ref_path); if (ret == -1) { void *null = NULL; utarray_push_back(hwloc_topos, &null); fprintf(stdout, "Warning: no topology for %s\n", refname); hwloc_topology_destroy(topology); free(refname); free(hwloc_file); continue; } ret = hwloc_topology_set_all_types_filter(topology, HWLOC_TYPE_FILTER_KEEP_STRUCTURE); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "hwloc_topology_set_all_types_filter failed\n"); free(refname); free(hwloc_file); goto ERROR; } ret = hwloc_topology_set_io_types_filter(topology, HWLOC_TYPE_FILTER_KEEP_NONE); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "hwloc_topology_set_all_types_filter failed\n"); free(refname); free(hwloc_file); goto ERROR; } ret = hwloc_topology_load(topology); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "hwloc_topology_load failed\n"); free(refname); free(hwloc_file); goto ERROR; } utarray_push_back(hwloc_topos, &topology); } free(refname); free(hwloc_file); node->hwlocTopo = *(hwloc_topology_t *)utarray_eltptr(hwloc_topos, t); node->hwlocTopoIdx = t; } if (!num_diffs) { printf("Warning: no hwloc diff file found!\n"); } topology->topos = hwloc_topo_names; topology->hwloc_topos = (hwloc_topology_t *)hwloc_topos->d; printf("%d hwloc topologies found:\n", utarray_len(topology->topos)); for (unsigned int p = 0; p < utarray_len(topology->topos); p++) { printf("\t'%s'\n", *(char **)utarray_eltptr(topology->topos, p)); } ret = NETLOC_SUCCESS; ERROR: if (all) { free(node_list); } free(hwloc_path); if (ret == NETLOC_SUCCESS) free(hwloc_topos); else utarray_free(hwloc_topos); return ret; } /* Set the info from hwloc of the node in the correspondig arch */ int netloc_arch_node_get_hwloc_info(netloc_arch_node_t *arch_node) { hwloc_topology_t topology = arch_node->node->hwlocTopo; hwloc_obj_t root = hwloc_get_root_obj(topology); int depth = hwloc_topology_get_depth(topology); hwloc_obj_t first_object = root->first_child; UT_array **down_degrees_by_level; NETLOC_int *max_down_degrees_by_level; down_degrees_by_level = (UT_array **)malloc(depth*sizeof(UT_array *)); for (int l = 0; l < depth; l++) { utarray_new(down_degrees_by_level[l], &ut_int_icd); } max_down_degrees_by_level = (NETLOC_int *) calloc(depth-1, sizeof(NETLOC_int)); int level = depth-1; hwloc_obj_t current_object = first_object; while (level >= 1) { int degree = 1; /* we go through the siblings */ while (current_object->next_sibling) { current_object = current_object->next_sibling; degree++; } /* Add the degree to the list of degrees */ utarray_push_back(down_degrees_by_level[depth-1-level], °ree); max_down_degrees_by_level[depth-1-level] = max_down_degrees_by_level[depth-1-level] > degree ? max_down_degrees_by_level[depth-1-level] : degree; current_object = current_object->next_cousin; if (!current_object) { level--; if (!first_object->first_child) break; first_object = first_object->first_child; current_object = first_object; } } /* List of PUs */ unsigned int max_os_index = 0; UT_array *ordered_host_array; int *ordered_hosts; utarray_new(ordered_host_array, &ut_int_icd); current_object = first_object; while (current_object) { max_os_index = (max_os_index >= current_object->os_index)? max_os_index: current_object->os_index; utarray_push_back(ordered_host_array, ¤t_object->os_index); current_object = current_object->next_cousin; } ordered_hosts = (int *)ordered_host_array->d;; /* Weight for the edges in the tree */ NETLOC_int *cost = (NETLOC_int *)malloc((depth-1)*sizeof(NETLOC_int)); int level_coeff = 3; cost[depth-2] = 1; for (int l = depth-3; l >= 0; l--) { cost[l] = cost[l+1]*level_coeff; } netloc_arch_tree_t *tree = (netloc_arch_tree_t *) malloc(sizeof(netloc_arch_tree_t)); tree->num_levels = depth-1; tree->degrees = max_down_degrees_by_level; tree->cost = cost; int *arch_idx; int num_cores = utarray_len(ordered_host_array); netloc_arch_tree_complete(tree, down_degrees_by_level, num_cores, &arch_idx); int *slot_idx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int[max_os_index+1])); for (int i = 0; i < num_cores; i++) { slot_idx[ordered_hosts[i]] = arch_idx[i]; } int num_leaves = netloc_arch_tree_num_leaves(tree); int *slot_os_idx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int[num_leaves])); for (int i = 0; i < num_cores; i++) { slot_os_idx[arch_idx[i]] = ordered_hosts[i]; } free(arch_idx); arch_node->slot_tree = tree; arch_node->slot_idx = slot_idx; arch_node->slot_os_idx = slot_os_idx; arch_node->num_slots = max_os_index+1; for (int l = 0; l < depth; l++) { utarray_free(down_degrees_by_level[l]); } free(down_degrees_by_level); utarray_free(ordered_host_array); return NETLOC_SUCCESS; }