Machine (P#0 total=48346688KB Backend=Linux Architecture=ia64) Group0 L#0 (total=24182720KB) Group1 L#0 (total=6045632KB) NUMANode L#0 (P#0 local=6045632KB total=6045632KB) Package L#0 (P#0 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#0 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#0 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#0 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#0 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#0 (P#0) PU L#0 (P#0) Package L#1 (P#0 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#1 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#1 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#1 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#1 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#1 (P#0) PU L#1 (P#1) Group1 L#1 (total=6045696KB) NUMANode L#1 (P#1 local=6045696KB total=6045696KB) Package L#2 (P#512 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#2 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#2 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#2 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#2 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#2 (P#0) PU L#2 (P#2) Package L#3 (P#512 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#3 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#3 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#3 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#3 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#3 (P#0) PU L#3 (P#3) Group1 L#2 (total=6045696KB) NUMANode L#2 (P#2 local=6045696KB total=6045696KB) Package L#4 (P#1024 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#4 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#4 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#4 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#4 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#4 (P#0) PU L#4 (P#4) Package L#5 (P#1024 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#5 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#5 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#5 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#5 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#5 (P#0) PU L#5 (P#5) Group1 L#3 (total=6045696KB) NUMANode L#3 (P#3 local=6045696KB total=6045696KB) Package L#6 (P#1536 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#6 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#6 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#6 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#6 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#6 (P#0) PU L#6 (P#6) Package L#7 (P#1536 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#7 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#7 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#7 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#7 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#7 (P#0) PU L#7 (P#7) Group0 L#1 (total=24163968KB) Group1 L#4 (total=6045696KB) NUMANode L#4 (P#4 local=6045696KB total=6045696KB) Package L#8 (P#2048 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#8 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#8 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#8 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#8 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#8 (P#0) PU L#8 (P#8) Package L#9 (P#2048 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#9 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#9 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#9 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#9 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#9 (P#0) PU L#9 (P#9) Group1 L#5 (total=6045632KB) NUMANode L#5 (P#5 local=6045632KB total=6045632KB) Package L#10 (P#2560 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#10 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#10 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#10 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#10 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#10 (P#0) PU L#10 (P#10) Package L#11 (P#2560 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#11 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#11 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#11 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#11 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#11 (P#0) PU L#11 (P#11) Group1 L#6 (total=6045696KB) NUMANode L#6 (P#6 local=6045696KB total=6045696KB) Package L#12 (P#3072 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#12 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#12 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#12 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#12 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#12 (P#0) PU L#12 (P#12) Package L#13 (P#3072 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#13 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#13 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#13 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#13 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#13 (P#0) PU L#13 (P#13) Group1 L#7 (total=6026944KB) NUMANode L#7 (P#7 local=6026944KB total=6026944KB) Package L#14 (P#3584 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#14 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#14 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#14 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#14 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#14 (P#0) PU L#14 (P#14) Package L#15 (P#3584 CPUVendor=GenuineIntel CPUFamilyNumber=31 CPUModelNumber=2 CPUModel="Madison up to 9M cache") L3Cache L#15 (size=9216KB linesize=128 ways=18) L2Cache L#15 (size=256KB linesize=128 ways=8) L1dCache L#15 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) L1iCache L#15 (size=16KB linesize=64 ways=4) Core L#15 (P#0) PU L#15 (P#15) depth 0: 1 Machine (type #0) depth 1: 2 Group0 (type #12) depth 2: 8 Group1 (type #12) depth 3: 16 Package (type #1) depth 4: 16 L3Cache (type #6) depth 5: 16 L2Cache (type #5) depth 6: 16 L1dCache (type #4) depth 7: 16 L1iCache (type #9) depth 8: 16 Core (type #2) depth 9: 16 PU (type #3) Special depth -3: 8 NUMANode (type #13) Relative latency matrix (name NUMALatency kind 5) between 8 NUMANodes (depth -3) by logical indexes: index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 10 25 25 25 29 29 29 29 1 25 10 25 25 29 29 29 29 2 25 25 10 25 29 29 29 29 3 25 25 25 10 29 29 29 29 4 29 29 29 29 10 25 25 25 5 29 29 29 29 25 10 25 25 6 29 29 29 29 25 25 10 25 7 29 29 29 29 25 25 25 10 Topology not from this system