#define BENCHMARK "OSU UPC++ AlltoAll Latency Test" /* * Copyright (C) 2002-2021 the Network-Based Computing Laboratory * (NBCL), The Ohio State University. * * Contact: Dr. D. K. Panda (panda@cse.ohio-state.edu) * * For detailed copyright and licensing information, please refer to the * copyright file COPYRIGHT in the top level OMB directory. */ #include #include #define root 0 #define VERIFY 0 using namespace std; using namespace upcxx; int main (int argc, char **argv) { init(&argc, &argv); global_ptr src; global_ptr dst; global_ptr time_src; global_ptr time_dst; double avg_time, max_time, min_time; int i = 0, size = 1, iterations, po_ret; int skip; double t_start = 0, t_stop = 0, timer=0; int max_msg_size = 1<<20, full = 0; options.bench = UPCXX; po_ret = process_options(argc, argv); full = options.show_full; skip = options.skip_large; iterations = options.iterations; max_msg_size = options.max_message_size; options.show_size = 1; switch (po_ret) { case PO_BAD_USAGE: print_usage_pgas(MYTHREAD, argv[0], size != 0); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); case PO_HELP_MESSAGE: print_usage_pgas(MYTHREAD, argv[0], size != 0); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case PO_VERSION_MESSAGE: if (MYTHREAD == 0) { print_version_pgas(HEADER); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case PO_OKAY: break; } if (ranks() < 2) { if (myrank() == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "This test requires at least two processes\n"); } return -1; } src = allocate (myrank(), max_msg_size*sizeof(char)*ranks()); dst = allocate (myrank(), max_msg_size*sizeof(char)*ranks()); assert(src != NULL); assert(dst != NULL); time_src = allocate (myrank(), 1); time_dst = allocate (root, 1); assert(time_src != NULL); assert(time_dst != NULL); /* * put a barrier since allocate is non-blocking in upc++ */ barrier(); print_header_pgas(HEADER, myrank(), full); for (size=1; size <=max_msg_size; size *= 2) { if (size > LARGE_MESSAGE_SIZE) { skip = options.skip_large; iterations = options.iterations_large; } else { skip = options.skip; } timer=0; for (i=0; i < iterations + skip ; i++) { t_start = getMicrosecondTimeStamp(); upcxx_alltoall((char *)src, (char *)dst, size*sizeof(char)); t_stop = getMicrosecondTimeStamp(); if (i>=skip) { timer+=t_stop-t_start; } barrier(); } barrier(); double* lsrc = (double *)time_src; lsrc[0] = (1.0 * timer) / iterations; upcxx_reduce((double *)time_src, (double *)time_dst, 1, root, UPCXX_MAX, UPCXX_DOUBLE); if (myrank()==root) { double* ldst = (double *)time_dst; max_time = ldst[0]; } upcxx_reduce((double *)time_src, (double *)time_dst, 1, root, UPCXX_MIN, UPCXX_DOUBLE); if (myrank()==root) { double* ldst = (double *)time_dst; min_time = ldst[0]; } upcxx_reduce((double *)time_src, (double *)time_dst, 1, root, UPCXX_SUM, UPCXX_DOUBLE); if (myrank()==root) { double* ldst = (double *)time_dst; avg_time = ldst[0]/ranks(); } barrier (); print_data_pgas(myrank(), full, size*sizeof(char), avg_time, min_time, max_time, iterations); } deallocate(src); deallocate(dst); deallocate(time_src); deallocate(time_dst); finalize(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* vi: set sw=4 sts=4 tw=80: */