[#] start of __file__ dnl This configure is used ONLY to determine the Fortran 90 features dnl that are needed to implement the create_type_xxx routines. AC_DEFUN([PAC_SUBCFG_PREREQ_]PAC_SUBCFG_AUTO_SUFFIX,[ AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_FC_BINDING],[test "X$enable_fc" = "Xyes"]) ]) AC_DEFUN([PAC_SUBCFG_BODY_]PAC_SUBCFG_AUTO_SUFFIX,[ AM_COND_IF([BUILD_FC_BINDING],[ # FIXME XXX DJG this code came from a sub-configure in src/binding/fortran/use_mpi. Why # isn't this just all up in the top-level configure? Alternatively, why doesn't # most/all of the f90 configure code from the top level configure.ac live here # instead? Is it because of the c/f77/f90 interplay? AC_MSG_NOTICE([RUNNING CONFIGURE FOR F90 CODE]) AC_PROG_LN_S # Determine the extension for Fortran 90 files (it isn't always .f90) PAC_FC_EXT FCEXT=$ac_fc_srcext AC_SUBST(FCEXT) # Determine the precision and range of the standard Fortran types. This # isn't quite enough for a full implementation of the Type_create_f90_xxx # routines, but will handle most programs. We can extend this by trying to # find (through selected_real_kind and selected_int_kind) types with larger or # smaller precisions and/or ranges than the basic types. PAC_FC_SIMPLE_NUMBER_MODEL([the precision and range of reals], [real aa], [precision(aa), ",", range(aa)], [FC_REAL_MODEL], [$CROSS_F90_REAL_MODEL]) AC_SUBST(FC_REAL_MODEL) # PAC_FC_SIMPLE_NUMBER_MODEL([the precision and range of double precision], [double precision aa], [precision(aa), ",", range(aa)], [FC_DOUBLE_MODEL], [$CROSS_F90_DOUBLE_MODEL]) AC_SUBST(FC_DOUBLE_MODEL) # PAC_FC_SIMPLE_NUMBER_MODEL([the range of integer], [integer aa], [range(aa)], [FC_INTEGER_MODEL], [$CROSS_F90_INTEGER_MODEL]) AC_SUBST(FC_INTEGER_MODEL) # Try to find the available integer kinds by using selected_int_kind # This produces a table of range,kind PAC_FC_AVAIL_INTEGER_MODELS([FC_ALL_INTEGER_MODELS], [$CROSS_F90_ALL_INTEGER_MODELS]) AC_SUBST(FC_ALL_INTEGER_MODELS) # PAC_FC_INTEGER_MODEL_MAP([FC_INTEGER_MODEL_MAP], [$CROSS_F90_INTEGER_MODEL_MAP]) AC_SUBST(FC_INTEGER_MODEL_MAP) AC_CONFIG_FILES([src/binding/fortran/use_mpi/mpif90model.h]) ])dnl end AM_COND_IF(BUILD_FC_BINDING,...) ])dnl end _BODY [#] end of __file__