/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */ /* * (C) 2009 by Argonne National Laboratory. * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. */ #include "hydra.h" #include "debugger.h" struct MPIR_PROCDESC *MPIR_proctable = NULL; int MPIR_proctable_size = 0; int MPIR_i_am_starter = 0; int MPIR_partial_attach_ok = 0; volatile int MPIR_debug_state = 0; char *MPIR_debug_abort_string = 0; volatile int MPIR_being_debugged = 0; int (*MPIR_breakpointFn) (void) = MPIR_Breakpoint; int MPIR_Breakpoint(void) { return 0; } HYD_status HYDT_dbg_setup_procdesc(struct HYD_pg * pg) { struct HYD_proxy *proxy; struct HYD_exec *exec; int i, j, k, np, round; HYD_status status = HYD_SUCCESS; HYDU_FUNC_ENTER(); HYDU_MALLOC(MPIR_proctable, struct MPIR_PROCDESC *, pg->pg_process_count * sizeof(struct MPIR_PROCDESC), status); round = 0; /* We need to allocate the MPIR_proctable in COMM_WORLD rank * order. We do this in multiple rounds. In each round, we * allocate the proctable entries for the executables on the proxy * that form a contiguous rank list. Then we move to the next * proxy. When we run out of proxies, we go back to the first * proxy and find the next set of contiguous ranks on that * proxy. */ for (proxy = pg->proxy_list, i = 0;; proxy = proxy->next) { j = 0; k = 0; if (!proxy) { proxy = pg->proxy_list; round++; } for (exec = proxy->exec_list; exec; exec = exec->next) { for (np = 0; np < exec->proc_count; np++) { if (k + np >= ((round + 1) * proxy->node->core_count)) break; if (k + np < round * proxy->node->core_count) continue; /* avoid storing multiple copies of the host name */ if (i > 0 && strcmp(MPIR_proctable[i - 1].host_name, proxy->node->hostname) == 0) MPIR_proctable[i].host_name = MPIR_proctable[i - 1].host_name; else MPIR_proctable[i].host_name = HYDU_strdup(proxy->node->hostname); MPIR_proctable[i].pid = proxy->pid[(proxy->node->core_count * round) + j]; j++; if (exec->exec[0]) { /* avoid storing multiple copies of the executable name */ if (i > 0 && strcmp(exec->exec[0], MPIR_proctable[i - 1].executable_name) == 0) MPIR_proctable[i].executable_name = MPIR_proctable[i - 1].executable_name; else MPIR_proctable[i].executable_name = HYDU_strdup(exec->exec[0]); } else { MPIR_proctable[i].executable_name = NULL; } i++; } k += exec->proc_count; } if (i >= pg->pg_process_count) break; } MPIR_proctable_size = pg->pg_process_count; MPIR_debug_state = MPIR_DEBUG_SPAWNED; (*MPIR_breakpointFn) (); fn_exit: HYDU_FUNC_EXIT(); return status; fn_fail: goto fn_exit; } void HYDT_dbg_free_procdesc(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MPIR_proctable_size; i++) { /* skip over duplicate pointers when freeing */ if (MPIR_proctable[i].host_name) { if (i == 0 || MPIR_proctable[i].host_name != MPIR_proctable[i - 1].host_name) HYDU_FREE(MPIR_proctable[i].host_name); } if (MPIR_proctable[i].executable_name) { if (i == 0 || MPIR_proctable[i].executable_name != MPIR_proctable[i - 1].executable_name) HYDU_FREE(MPIR_proctable[i].executable_name); } } HYDU_FREE(MPIR_proctable); }